End times: God’s Next Move?

From 9/12/2017

“Wildfires across the northwest, earthquakes in California and elsewhere, hurricanes in the southeast, crazed dictators threatening nuclear missiles, the constant threat of terrorists, wars and rumors of war, reports of epidemics of antibiotic resistant TB and a hepatitis outbreak in San Diego, and now overwhelming swarms of gnats in Philadelphia……It’s starting to sound rather biblical and apocalyptic. We’re watching daily to see what’s going to happen next…….and are grateful for salvation and the promise of Christ’s presence with us. The sun will come up tomorrow and there will be good things to report, too. Gotta balance that against all the fearsome reports that make us wonder about God’s next move.”

When I wrote that in September 2017 I had no inkling of what lay just around the corner…

  • Hurricane Michael in October 2018 and the lengthy recovery process

  • COVID -19  in March 2020 and it devastation to our family with Bill’s death, the disruption to social, financial and so many other aspects of lives across the globe

  • The absurd political and religious circumstances of the world I know and how both seem to be unraveling .

All of this gives additional meaning to a phrase I heard tonight: “It all just gives further evidence that we are living in the final moments of the last days.”