Smile! It Improves Your Face Value…

I have shared on several occasions with friends or students about a lady who attended church with us when our children were preschoolers. I made a point of making her acquaintance to see if she was as gracious as she appeared. She was a retired kindergarten teacher in her late 60’s who told me one time that she was writing children’s books that she hoped to publish. I sang in the choir and each Sunday I watched her sitting in the 2nd row.  She sat alone, had good posture and attention, and had a pleasant smile on her face always! I would look at her and think to myself  “I want to have such a  welcoming countenance at that age.”  Well, I’m there and I know quite well that I don’t meet the standard I hoped to achieve as a 20 -something watching her.  I was thumbing through some old social media posts and came across this:

From 8/16/2009:

“I am practicing smiling…..I tend to be very focused and task oriented. So much so, I think, that people perceive me as stern and unapproachable. I hope that’s not actually the case! Often times someone at church will catch me in the hall, on my way from one thing to another, and will say, “Smile!” This morning it was an usher. Lord, help me with this! It’s something I earnestly want…….”

Several friends have said they have a similar concern about how they are perceived.  Some had posted comments which helped my feelings some as I read them again now,13 years later…..


“Smiling is never a bad thing. When you smile on the outside it makes you feel happy on the inside. We should all do more of it! You are very focused and task oriented but you are definately NOT unapproachable. You are by far one of the sweetest ladies that I have ever had the privledge of knowing….KEEP SMILING!!!”

“Cathy, I don’t think you have a whole lot to worry about because your heart for God is incredible. He sees your smiles and he is the one that we please right? God Bless you Cathy!
Look forward to seeing you Thur. night. Lord Willing>>>”

“Well I think you are wonderful and OH so helpful regardless….but I love your smile too!”

“Cathy, I can totally relate. I don’t think of you as unapproachable. very approachable. God bless you.”

“Yes Cathy you are task oriented but that makes you good at being a leader! When you smile it lights up the room ;-)”

“Cathy, I’ve only met you a few times, but I would never say that you are unapproachable. I see a heart of gold and a heart for God.”

I am certainly glad that God looks at the heart and not the outward appearance. The wrinkles I have from years of focused scowling have not helped what some people refer to as a “resting B***ch face”. I just hope God finds my heart more relaxed, pleasant looking, and hospitable!