Might As Well Laugh

Rough morning from 8/16/2014….


“OOOOooohhhhhhh, the dangers of dressing quickly and reaching under the sink for aerosole cans. I thought I was spraying hairspray, but upon more careful scrutiny, it was a large spray can of Secret deodorant purchased at Sam’s…..then in my chagrin and haste to correct the problem and finish dressing, I accidently sprayed my perfume under my arm…Ouch! Estee Lauder puts a lot of alcohol in that stuff! Rough morning… Now I’m paranoid. What else did I use/ put on wrongly in my haste and half sleep? If I get to where I’m going and I have toilet paper trailing on my shoe or different colors of shoes, just gently take me by the arm, guide me to the ladies room and try to fix me. Okay? (I keep a spare pair of shoes in the bag with my clergy robe in the choir room!)”