Why Empathy Is Important

“Some people think of empathy as a “soft” skill, but really it is the core of emotional intelligence, so it’s absolutely essential to positive relationships in the workplace (and everywhere). This thoughtful infographic reflects how little we usually know about the people we interact with every day. We can see their “outsides” – their behaviours and interactions – but we really have no idea about their inner lives: their pasts, their losses, feelings, traumas, struggles, regrets, pains, or thoughts. Empathy, though, opens us to recognizing the complexity, the reality, and the humanity of those around us, and creates meaningful bonds that can transform a team or an organization, and lead to surprisingly positive possibilities, professional and personal. How much empathy is there in your workplace (or in your life in general), and what could you do to increase it?”

(Source: ThePresentPsychologist)
Posted by Dr. Nora Gold.

Shared from Beverly Lewis. 8/24/22