Taking Hits

When one says that “God told me to do …..” it would be prudent to spend some serious time in prayer and in the Word and ask oneself am I prepared to be used by God as a good example or even as a horrible warning, as God might choose or allow? As a vessel of honor or as a vessel of dishonor? If one has been faithfully being used for honor then it’s reasonable to expect that God will continue to do so. However, only God knows an individual’s heart and motives and God’s own purposes and plans for the individual and what and who needs refining. However God chooses to use me, so be it. I am his. There have been times that my motives have been questioned and my actions offended some, but I believed firmly God would have me stand firm in my decision to act. If I looked foolish, okay. If it hurt me in the long run, that’s fine. God has on several occasions even asked me flat-out if I felt abused. Never by God! He may use me as he wishes and I’ll take the blows. That’s what it means to follow Jesus..( from my notes 2/6/20)