Time And Time Again God Proves His Lovev

A few years ago as a Titus 2 lady moved out into her own place, I had something in mind that I wanted to get for her  and her toddler daughter. She had expressed a desire for this particular thing. And while it was not particularly expensive or an unreasonable request for one moving into a home, there is a limit to what I can spend out of my own pocket…..and so many other things right now are needed for her and other ladies. This was not a “necessity”, so I simply made a mental note to watch for a sale or ask around to see if this might be available through our volunteers or to ask some of my yard sale shopping friends to watch for one. But I had not mentioned it to anyone. Yesterday someone came to Titus with a car load of items a neighbor had cleaned out of her garage. And there it was. I don’t know why I ever doubt God’s willingness to provide even the smallest and seemingly insignificant things for his children. If it is something that will bring joy and make life a little easier for someone who is struggling, a simple prayer humbly offered is attended to with great care and promptness. That is one thing that touched me deeply that week.

It makes my knees weak (even weaker than they already are!) to realize how personal and intimate and gracious God is. A similar thing happened a few years earlier on Mothers’ Day weekend at Bethel Village when Two Men and A Truck delivered donations to that ministry. Something I had thought about and desired in my heart, but never spoken of, arrived……I burst into tears at the sight of it and the gentlemen thought they had done something wrong. Why is this crazy woman crying? Because God is good, even beyond anything I can ever imagine. And God loves us.

#feelingemotional – Several things have touched my heart this week…really sweet things…..really kind things…..really generous things. Such times as this make me realize that no matter how difficult and harried life may seem, God has angels stationed and blessings awaiting all around us….One is never alone. He is truly the God Who Hears Me and the One Who is.


From 11/5/15