Lost and Found

So….., I had been looking for my wedding rings for a week. Not even 30 minutes after posting about my fear that I might not find them (and feeling the sick sense of loss in my gut and praying for God to give me grace to accept their loss, if that was to be the case), I walked upstairs, saw my tray of vitamins and meds that I had sitting on the footstool of my glider rocker and casually glanced down in it. There the rings were neatly stacked in the corner behind a vitamin bottle. I have no recollection of sitting there with that tray in the last few weeks or of putting the rings in there. I was almost sure I had taken them off downstairs while cooking or on the computer.

It is always in surrendering to God my striving, my fear, and my acceptance of whatever His will is that the circumstances of any problem are brought to resolution and peace is restored.

Thank you, Friends, for your prayers and encouragement. I have to believe that fears spoken in honesty to others and given to God in prayer result in prompt resolution.

This isn’t the first time God has done this. At least 25 years ago I wore my grandmother’s delicate little gold wedding ring on a gold charm holder or a chain occasionally. One morning I went to my jewelry drawer and couldn’t find it. For a while I was there going through everything. I went on to work and continued praying, “Lord, please don’t let me have lost that ring.” It was such a distraction, I finally asked God to just let me accept its loss and be at peace and have the courage to face my mother when I had to tell her I’d lost it (because she ALWAYS asks about things she’s given me!) A few days later I had some free time and decided to organize my jewelry box and the drawer. I opened the drawer and there was the ring! In plain view right at the front. I think there are times God blinds our eyes to things to allow a crisis of faith and to bring to the surface conflicts in our soul that need to be addressed…. like my Mother asking me many times over, “Do you ever wear “this?” or “Do you still have “that?” “What did you do with “so-&-so?” I knew I’d have to account to my Mother for my Grandmother’s ring.

A friend commented that she had wondered wht I was wearing a silver tree of life ring. I responded to her, “I find myself wearing that tree of life ring more and more. My wedding rings can be a longing reminder of my loss. The tree of life ring reminds me of the gratitude I have for those here with me….. in the temporal AND the eternal .

7/5/23. Original post by CBB Updated 5/15/24