Bill’s Humor

My husband is so funny. Last night I got home and found his laundry on the laundry room floor by the washer. I thanked him for bringing it there for me and sorted it and started the first load. He said nothing. This morning we’re getting up and he’s headed to the shower. He says, “When I see Santa Claus at the bottom of the drawer, it’s time to do some laundry.” The LAST pair of underwear in the drawer are the Santa undies and that’s what he’s got to wear today! The load of undies is in the dryer now.

The next day…..So….I went to the drawer to put all the freshly laundered undies away and there, all alone, in the drawer were the Santa undies! Uh, oh. So what did he wear Thursday? Hmmmmmm…..



A moment at the Byrd house:
Large Palmetto bug that has found its way into the house is on the wall in the den, probably having come under the garage door and into the den with a cat…So, I’m about to launch my attack when Bill says, “Don’t kill it, Catch it.” Me, “You catch it.” So I bring him a large plastic cup and a piece of card stock and he corrals it, slides the paper under the cup and walks the bug out to the backyard, dropping it in a bed of ferns. He said, “You’ve got to respect their perseverance. They’ve been around for millions of years” Whatever. My compassion for all things living does not extend to Palmetto bugs, sharks, fire ants, and a few other species. Sorry, God. You’ll have to educate me on their role in ecosystems and why our domain in the earth shouldn’t include population control of such species when I get to heaven. My understanding at this point is that they are perversions of your perfect plan that are part of the brokenness of the earth and are, therefore, dispensable. Maybe I’m wrong, though, and you are going to redeem them, too. So I’ll defer to Bill’s conscience in this particular instance.

(This post does not even warrant a photo. I don’t want to make anyone’s skin crawl.)

August 26,2017

Bill had purchased several doggie toys for our three dogs. Daisy has a tendency to hog them, sometimes piling them up in her crate. Her favorite pastime is shredding them and taking out the ropes or noisemakers inside them. This morning I found one of them on the floor of the den. We think it is the remains of the raccoon toy. Into the trash……

August 26,2014

I was gone for three nights. I arrived home to a clean kitchen….first time in 42 years of marriage. Bill actually found the dishwasher soap and ran the dishwasher! Who knew an old husband could learn a new trick? He is so proud of himself and the look of a clean kitchen that came from his own effort, he’s decided he may actually take that on as his personal daily household duty……In the famous words or Fred Sanford…”Hold on, Elizabeth….I’m coming…” (interpretation: ” I think I’m having a heart attack from the shock of such a revelation!”)



Bill’s letting Little Bit sleep in the bed with us now. It’s okay until he awakens at 3:00am and starts gnawing on a toe!

Friends weighed in on this!



So after going to the movie this afternoon, I stopped in at Walmart. My movie companion needed a new pair of flip flops. While there I picked up new bras and panties. I called Bill and told him I was stopping at Walmart. When I got home he said, “What did you get?” I told him and he said, “Has it come to that for our budget?” I told him I’ve been buying my undies at Walmart for several years. Not really so much a budget thing as a simplicity and convenience and smart spending thing. I found that the pricey ones from the department stores didn’t fit any better or last any longer.



I wrangled Bill into doing grocery shopping! He offered. I just took him up on it! Actually, I think he offered to appease me. I was having an irritable moment earlier today over something totally unrelated to him and he took pity on me.


So,we’re driving along north on Hwy 231 heading to a family event in Georgia. We pass Southern Cattle Co and there’s a sign out about an upcoming bull auction. Just up the road a bit is another pasture and a herd of black cows are all out at the fence by the road. So, Bill says,”Looks like they’re standing out here advertising,”. He’s always made me laugh…… Then we pass the Florida welcome station on the left and in a few minutes we pass the Alabama welcome station on the right and he says, “Wow! Look how different Alabama’s welcome station is from Florida’s…it’s like they’re saying, “Don’t stop here!” It’s going to be an entertaining 3 hour ride. LOL!



When dismantling all the “Christmas” around our house, I generally wind up forgetting one or more small things tucked away here or there. Tonight I realized I had three little glass trees in the hutch in the kitchen. I was picking them up when Bill walked by and said, “You don’t have to put all the Christmas stuff away.” I said, “Why not?” He replied, “Cause it’s Christmas everyday!” He’s carrying the spirit of Christmas forward through Epiphany and beyond!
