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Mixed Messages

Fresh take on “convicted felon” branding…..(thanks to Nellie Bowles, paraphrased from The Free Press) Alex Soros, heir to the Soros empire, reportedly funneled money through shell nonprofits to get Alvin Bragg elected to the NY prosecutor position. Alex is so proud of...

”Jesus Was A Convicted Felon”

“Jesus was a convicted felon”just further evidences how far God, incarnate in Jesus Christ, was willing to go to identify with the broken humanity He came to redeem….. even bearing the taunts and humiliation of ridicule of pointed fingers of mobs and authorities to...

I Am A Child Of God

We, all humans, are image-bearers of God, our Creator. When we come to know Him…. through His Word, by His Spirit, by knowledge of and relationship with His Incarnation in His Son, Jesus Christ, through community among His people,and in the circumstances He allows...

Lost and Found

So….., I had been looking for my wedding rings for a week. Not even 30 minutes after posting about my fear that I might not find them (and feeling the sick sense of loss in my gut and praying for God to give me grace to accept their loss, if that was to be the case),...

Titus 2 Update

I developed a series of re-parenting classes based on Biblical principles and have taught them now for over 16 years as I’ve discipled women in life recovery. With the Titus 2 Ministry’s move away from 24/7 residential recovery care to out patient and community care,...

Prophet-able Fun or Fact?

You might be a prophet if… You’re combative. A prophet insists on battling bunkum and speaking truth to power with zero regard for honorariums or a Dove Award for being Prophet of the Year. You tell the hard truth in tough love. You weep before you whip. You...

In Dark Nights

I visited with a person who is in the midst of what was self- described as a “dark night of the soul” with depression and some health problems. I was reminded of something that I was told years ago by a pastor in a time of “darkness”……He said, “Go into the grave. Die...

“All Sin Equal?”

If all sin is equal……. “Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.” Jesus’ own words. He also didn’t prescribe a millstone for just anything. (@seantology on Twitter) Sexual sin against children is right up there with premeditated serial...