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God Laughs

As I reflected on how much importance April 1st has had on my life and reading and hearing so many funny April Fool’s Day jokes and pranks yesterday, it occurred to me how apropos this little sign truly is that is sitting on my dining table, not only for my...

Beagle Daisy

3/29:2017 Bill observed a scene in a TV series in which one character after being jailed unjustly and released said, “Sanity was touch and go there for a while.” He laughed and said, “I can relate. Here I am 6’5″, 250 lbs. and I have felt...

Boundaries and Differentiation

The importance of establishing healthy boundaries and a well- developed, positive, values-based self-identity when dealing with dysfunctional family members: “The core of Murray Bowen’s articulation of Family Systems Theory is the concept of differentiation:...

Visit With Mentor

From 3/29/15 my journal: “I had the opportunity to visit briefly with a former mentor who now lives a good distance away. I was giving an update on the Titus 2 ministry and I said that my call is to minister to the “ones” and “twos” and...

Married Student Life

3/29/2022- ….driving to the community dumpster and bank of mailboxes at 8:30 pm to drop off garbage bag and retrieve mail….As I drove there I realized it was 1972, 103 Beech Street in Auburn, AL, the last time we lived in high density housing. Retirement at...

Adding Abigail

Bathsheba’s ( And Eve’s) Actions in Perspective I had previously written about Bathsheba and Eve, in discussing their roles and those of the men associated with each woman in the sins committed by each and who, in God’s opinion appears to have been...

Gathering With The Saints

From 3/28/21…. I come to gather with the saints on Sundays….. that is what followers of Christ are called in Scripture. I come to encourage and be encouraged. I come with my Bible in hand and a highlighter and pen. I have something in hand to jot down notes and...

Met By Christ At Communion

From 3/28/2022….. Do not be anxious about anything, for I care for you……. I felt the love of Christ wrap around and embrace me as I took communion last night among my brothers and sisters in Christ. This is the Presence, power, and security of abiding in Him. I...

God Goes Where He Is Wanted, Welcomed, Received

While at’s New Room Leaders gathering in NC in February, David Goodnight heard a message from the Lord that really struck him and this is the basis of a prayer. he offered a few weeks later in an online event.David Goodnight’s words :...