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Dreams and Spiritual Battle

From 3/23/23…..A dream. Journaling dreams can be a wonderful exercise… I had one last night.  I’m still pondering what it can mean!!?! It was about my son hosing out my garage and rats from the neighbors garage coming to eat out of a dog food bag in...

Secrecy And Shame

Hint: When someone tells you not to “tell anyone” about something they have done to you or someone else that causes harm, unless it is accompanied by a sincere apology and assurance that it won’t happen again, tell them you will not keep their...

Accountability And Support

(CBB-3/23/2016) Accountability and Support: Jesus’ act of sending his disciples out 2X2. “Wherever 2 or 3 gather in my name, I am there.” Matthew 18:20 Ecclesiastes 4:12And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three...

“My Sheep Hear My Voice…”

(CBB-3/23/2017) I realize that not everyone “hears” the Lord’s voice…feels the Spirit within their own spirit the way I do at times. One young lady with whom I am working is a very sensitive person and a new Christian. She is especially wanting the...

That Moment When You Have To Decide…

(CBB-3/23/23) There are certain points in the faith journey that resonate with those who embark on it. Reading about the life of Oswald Chambers tonight I came across this gem: While in a church meeting as a college student he stood and said, “Either...

Oil Of Joy

As I have studied the book of Isaiah, I have become much more aware of quotes of the Old Testament that are in the New Testament. Here’s one from Psalm/Hebrews that I came across today! Love that “oil of joy”! (Also, in Isaiah 61:3) Psalm 45:7You...

Jesus Sitting At The Right Hand….

The significance of Jesus “sitting at the right hand of God’s throne” means that Jesus’ role-as Messiah, Savior, Prophet, Priest, and King – is to fulfill the purpose and will of God, to carry out the mandates, orders, and commands of...


Shaming evangelicals……. How recently can one repent and be forgiven by Christ and be accepted in Christian community, given the opportunity to begin living into a more righteous way of life? A minute? A day? A month? A year? 10 years? What measure of time, of...

REAL Words

“What people are really asking when they’re asking if a word is real, they’re really asking, “Well, how many brains will this give me access to?” Because I think that’s a lot of how we look at language. A word is essentially a key...