
FIrsts…….Our students experience many firsts….first sober holiday in many years, first experience of feeling God’s presence and recognizing the feeling of pure love, first time praying out loud in a group, first time confronting fear instead of running from it, first time admitting to secrets that have caused shame and guilt, and more. For one young lady it’s also been the first time experiencing avocado, spaghetti squash, chicken salad, DQ blizzard, Starbuck’s coffee, listening to Christian radio, and…….realizing that she has been created and loved by a sovereign God who is personally present in her life today. She has been grinning like a Cheshire cat all week with the joy of knowing she is loved so much that when Jesus prayed for those who would come to faith because of the witness of His disciples, He had her in mind. He knows her name and is as close as her next breath. And that when He died on the cross, His atoning sacrifice made it possible for her to be totally free from the guilt of sin. This joy, observed in the life of one who has truly entered into a relationship with Christ, is what makes my heart sing….everyday can be a “first” day of some new discovery and joy with Jesus!