Holy …… Holy, Holy ….. Holy, Holy, Holy

Today’s message at Lynn Haven UMC was on “becoming”, following two previous weeks’ messages on “belonging” and “believing”.  Pastor Craig Carter referenced Hebrews 9:28, “so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him.”

I have contemplated God’s call to us to “be holy, as I am holy”, as well as His Word’s message that God alone is “Holy, Holy, Holy.”  I know that the Hebrew language used repetition of descriptive adjectives to indicate normative, comparative and superlative states of being.  So, I had asked myself, if we are to be “holy” and God is “holy, holy, holy”, is there a comparative “holy, holy” state of being that can be attained?  Is that what Jesus was in his human state?  Is that the state to which we are to aspire?  If it is, how are we to do that?

As a Methodist, as I have studied John Wesley’s grace theology, I think I do see the pattern and the theological basis throughout Scripture.  In this particular verse, it seems to shine.

In believing in the atoning work of Christ’s death, justifying grace makes us holy through the imputed righteousness that it bears to us.  As we continue in our Christian lives, faithfully practicing spiritual disciplines and walking in Christ with other believers in the Body of Christ who “eagerly await Him”, we are being transformed into His likeness by the imparted righteousness of the Holy Spirit within us, being sanctified……. becoming “holy, holy”.   This is an outwardly observed state of walking the talk, faith in action, and when lived out in community provides far greater impact and reach for the Body of Christ in the world than individuals alone can accomplish.



Take Me in to the Holy of Holies

Take me past the outer courts

Into the holy place

Past the brazen altar

Lord, I want to see your face


Pass me by the crowds of people

The priests who sing your praise

I hunger and thirst for your righteousness

And it’s only found one place


Take me in to the holy of holies

Take me in by the blood of the lamb

Take me in to the holy of holies

Take the coal, cleanse my lips, here I am

Take the coal, cleanse my lips, here I am


Take me past the outer courts

Into the holy place

Past the brazen altar

Lord, I want to see your face


Pass me by the crowds of people

The priests who sing your praise

I hunger and thirst for your righteousness

And it’s only found one place


Take me in to the holy of holies

Take me in by the blood of the lamb

Take me in to the holy of holies

Take the coal, cleanse my lips, here I am

Take the coal, cleanse my lips, here I am


Take me past the outer courts

Into the holy place

Past the brazen altar

Lord, I want to see your face


Pass me by the crowds of people

The priests who sing your praise

I hunger and thirst for your righteousness

And it’s only found one place


Take me in to the holy of holies

Take me in by the blood of the lamb

Take me in to the holy of holies

Take the coal, cleanse my lips, here I am

Take the coal, cleanse my lips, here I am

Take the coal, cleanse my lips, here I am                                                    8/30/2020   CBB