Songs In The Heart

I have written before about how frequently I awaken with a song playing in my mind, a hymn for the day, more or less.  I hum or sing it as I arise and go about my day.  On October 19, 2020, that song was a simple little song from my childhood:

“A sunbeam, a sunbeam,

Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.

A sunbeam, a sunbeam,

I’ll be a sunbeam for him.”


Needless to say, it was a song I couldn’t remember having thought about in ages and most likely had not sung since the two years I taught 4 and 5 year olds in Sunday School twenty six years ago.  I sang it as I made my morning coffee that day and as I fed the dog and cat.  It was a happy little tune that made me smile, especially remembering how the Lord had given me a vision one morning of my recently deceased husband, Bill, smiling at me from heaven with rays of sunshine radiating around his head, very much in the style of the smiling baby “sun” in the children’s program The Teletubbies.

By the time I was dressed and headed out the door for some morning errands, I had moved on from the morning’s “sunbeam song” and was listening to and singing along with the K-Love Christian radio station music selections.

Fast forward to 5:50 pm.  I was signing into a Zoom meeting of a video meeting of participants in a four-week study called “The Awakened Life.”  As the video screen popped up and the sound came on, there was the sound of women’s voices accompanied by a guitar singing…. you guessed it:

“A sunbeam, a sunbeam,

Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.

sunbeam, a sunbeam,

I’ll be a sunbeam for him.”


I was momentarily confused, wondering what alternate universe I had inadvertently entered.  Then I saw the moderator on the screen asking who the singer was.  It was someone named Myra.  He seemed a bit surprised and delighted by the impromptu musical rendering, as were all of us.  That little children’s song was as unexpected to everyone else in this venue and at this time, it appeared, as it had been for me when the Lord had put it in my heart and voice that very morning.

I had the sense that I was indeed where I needed to be in participating in this online group.  It gave me a sense of anticipation for what God would do through this experience.  And the evening’s discussion did not disappoint!

Thank you, God, for putting a song in my heart and using it to confirm that you are guiding me into and through new experiences of learning and connection to your people!