“Triangles are very strong shapes which makes them important when building strong and stable structures.” The notion of an “iron triangle” resonates with me, just as it does when a child picks up one to tap out a rhythm for the first time. Thinking of triangles...
One teaching in the Word I’ve used for years is focused on rebellion and recovery and the causes and cure. We use a “15-minute Bible study” on the topic that was first published in In Touch magazine by Dr. Charles Stanley. The causes of rebellion he...
“All That Is In The World…” Gen 3:6, Matt 4:1-10, Luke 4;1-13, and 1 John 2:16 (CBB 2009) I had heard an evangelist preach that Jesus’ temptations represent the same kinds of temptations that we all experience. When one looks at the three of them (Matthew...