Nov 26, 2016 “Our children had other plans for Thanksgiving. Billy’s family came today for a pre-game Iron Bowl Day lunch. Bill cooked steaks. Joni and I made veggies, twice baked potatoes, and fruit salad. Catie, Haley, and Liam were all home to enjoy the...
Our pastor pointed out this week that the shepherds….considered “low lifes” in the culture of their day…..were the first beyond Jesus’ family to hear the news of the newborn Messiah. They hurried and found him lying in the manger. It is...
Last night, with a cup of my favorite hot tea, I enjoyed the last few fruitcake cookies (and crumbs) from a batch sent to us by my Mother. I parcel them out a few at a time throughout the holiday, to savor as long as possible. It is a gift to her children’s...