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Family Peace

Sinful conduct separates us from fellowship with Holy God but never from the steadfast love of God. It may also separate us from fellowship with other people even though their love for us continues, as well. I’ve seen this over and over in life recovery counseling...

Proverbs 31 Woman’s Mother-In-Law

If his mother didn’t teach him respect for ALL women, you may eventually have to do it or live a life of subjugation or diminution. Some mothers teach sons to respect, honor and trust only her and that all other women are suspect. This is the heart of a woman whose...

Responsibility “For” or “To”

A friend observed: “There is a simple, joyful rare belief that we are all responsible for each other.” Because I have worked so long on boundaries issues in my own life and in the lives of many who have come to Titus 2, I have preferred to think about this...

Neither Borrower Nor Lender Be

Through the years I’ve been asked to “loan” money to people knowing full well that they were not likely to repay it. Not large sums…..a power bill here, some gas money there, a Christmas layaway final payment, partial rent payment, etc. I kept...

Integrity Lost, Boundaries Blurred

One day after a Color Vibe 5K event with Titus 2 women, I was washing out bright yellow, blue, pink, and green colored corn starch from my hair and skin. And, as one would expect, instead of being a swirling rainbow of individual colors (like the flowing distinct...