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You Know When It Is Time to Get Serious

I have lost 30 pounds in the last few months, but it has not been the agony that diets through the years have been. It has been about reorienting my thinking, not so much about the food itself, but about my relationship to food….. what longing I seek to satisfy...

Time To Shout

Heard: “Emotions don’t make you any less holy; they make you more human.” We use emotions to cry out for help, just like Peter, who cried out to Jesus, “Help me!” as he sank in the waves. Calling out for more of Jesus doesn’t mean...

Emotions: Inside Out

Speaking of Pixar’s new film “Inside Out”, consulting psychologist Dacher Keltner answered this question: What did the film get right? “Well, I think that the film really got a couple of big ideas about emotions right. One, [emotions] are...

God Can Handle My Emotions

“God doesn’t love you any less when you throw a temper tantrum. He doesn’t owe you an explanation, but he is never afraid of what you have to say. So tell him. It’ll be the beginning of healing.” — Pastor Rick Warren Yesterday in a prayer group, the...