Dr. Sandra Richter, in her “Epic of Eden” book and study, offers a metaphorical image that sets the stage for studying the Old Testament as a whole. She used the image of a someone falling off of a mountaintop, landing at the bottom of the mountain, broken and unable...
One doesn’t have to look very far to see terrifying, destructive, horrific acts in the world. Jesus said don’t be surprised and he said it would get worse as time goes on. He also told us what to do about it. Matthew 9:6-13…..Jesus’...
I have been to court a number of times for a variety of reasons….to receive court ordered clients into recovery, to testify regarding someone’s progress in or completion of a program or court supervised case plan or probation, for a custody or parental...
Sermon- July 2, 2017 Carillon Beach Community Chapel “Ebb and Flow, Come and Go, To and Fro” Scripture: Acts 2: 1-12 When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing...
Moral Development Theory and Practice in Discipling Individuals and as Revealed in the Broad View of Biblical History Cathy Byrd 3-18-17 In the character formation and spiritual formation work that we...