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Pentecost Past

From June 4,2017 How appropriate that I should find myself being discontinued from Provisional Deacon status, ending my 9- year pursuit of ordained ministry, on Pentecost Sunday by the Alabama West Florida Conference tonight on recommendation of the Board of Ministry...

Why Spirituality?

People often believe that anyone talking about “religion” is proselytizing others into accepting her own religious beliefs. That’s not necessarily the case. Some of us simply recognize the value of heightened spiritual consciousness, the benefit of identifying one’s...

My Take on UMC Chaos

In recent weeks I have read numerous opinions by various theologians and pastors whom I respect regarding contemporary issues that challenge us as Christians and as a church. Each strives to bring sound reasoning and passion to bear on subjects like same-sex marriage,...

Divisive Political Witness

“…..while Christ teaches us the value of love over violence, the power of life over death, he never strayed away from necessary conflict. Disciples rebuked, Pharisees chastised, a temple cleared of money changers…these are also pictures of Christ....

Zen Spin

Zen spin……  ( From 12/6/20) “The term is shortened from mushin no shin (無心の心), (arising from the Chinese Chan School of Buddhism) of a Zen expression meaning the mind without mind and is also referred to as the state of “no-mindness”. That is,...