
“Enough!” A word expressing a posture of satisfaction, contentment and peace? Or an exclamation expressing exasperation and wanting something about current circumstances to end? In which place do you find yourself today?

I was talking to a friend about a couple of other words which, depending upon their context can have opposite meanings or implications. One was “boldness”. In a biblical word study I discovered that in some contexts “boldness” implies arrogance, defiance, brashness, pridefulness, and a host of negative connotations. However, once the Apostles experienced Pentecost, their “boldness” on behalf of the Gospel and the arising church became strength, perseverance, authority, and obedience.

Similarly, “stronghold” in the context of the bondage of sin becomes something against which one struggles and may experience repeated defeat. But in the context of God’s loving protective presence, it becomes a refuge, a citadel of safety, and a secure fortress.

We can choose where we live between these diametrically opposed postures. Choose your context with care.