
Years ago I had to go through a psychological battery for consideration of employment in the business world. I got a call from the recruiter who said there was a problem with my test results. He said the examiner said I was either the most self-actualized, honest, and transparent person the examiner had ever reviewed or I was in some sort of major distress. LOL! I retook the test at the examiner’s request 48 hours after the first battery and got the job offer the same day. I worked there for nearly a decade before I had the opportunity to move to something new and more satisfying. Isn’t it funny how some things just will not be believed if one hasn’t encountered them before, like directness and honesty and confidence in one’s identity in Christ! Some people, having little experience with it, actually view it as an indicator of emotional instability and others view it as having insufficient concern for the opinion others have of you!

Even Jesus’ own family thought him crazy at times. In an apologetic argued by some and popularized by C.S. Lewis, some have noted that Jesus was either telling the truth, He was crazy, or He was a liar. But since everyone agrees that Jesus was a “good man,” how then could He be both good and crazy, or good and a liar? There is only one logically consistent alternative – He must have been telling the truth.

Truth is not always easy to recognize. And it is not always popular. Jesus said in John 18:37 “For this reason I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” He was crucified that same day.

On another job, I was asked to go through a promotion psychological battery. I got a letter that said my test scores set a new record for individuals in the company (which, as far as I was concerned, really didn’t say a whole lot for the company!) I was considered well suited for the supervisory promotion except for one small detail- I didn’t want it. I preferred to stay in my happy little bottom rung of the corporate ladder! And that was the end of my supervisor pestering me!! 🤣