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Confronted With Widowhood

“Care for the widows…..”. Oh, my. I had not registered that word and status in my brain yet until a neighbor brought lunch and texted this message…. “We will be bringing cooked food regularly … we will not forget. We are commanded by God to be your...

Lost and Found

A beautiful reflection by Sarah Westfall……. worth the read. I remember the year I was 29 was much like this, full of uncertainty. I wish turning 30 had resolved it, but I spent much of my 30’s like the dandelion seeds, blowing in the wind. It would...

Winds of Change

From 2/19/2022: I am in one of those weird spots in which I know God is doing something…. I can feel it in my bones…(Yes, I’ve gotten old enough to feel things in my bones!) There are definitely some things stirring. Can’t put my finger on it,...

Transformation = Change

Modifying William Bridges Diagram of Transitions to relate it to the process our women experience has given them a visual way to think about where they are……. at the beginning of the end of their chaotic life of the past or at the end of the beginning of their...