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What Difference Does It Make?

I pray you will find hope for your journey as a Christian embraced by God who is Love and Grace and indescribably more, and as a disciple of Jesus Christ, called to be in relationship with God and neighbor. What do you believe in and why? What difference does it make...

Sustainable Ministry

From 9/28/2016; There are some, I expect, who wonder why I, at 62, continue to explore new “vistas”, pursue new goals, and continue going after ministry activities and opportunities with passion and energy…..because that’s who God made me to...

God: “Tell Others”

Me: ( Mar 20,1997, exclaiming in early morning praise) “Surely, Lord, you have created the beauty of this world for your glory and my delight!” The Lord: (in a rather stunning, but gentle reply) “Tell others.” Me: “What am I to tell? To whom? How? Where? When?” The...

Driving Courtesy

Driving today in moderately heavy after-school traffic- Me: (out loud to the driver of the red car in the center lane) I see your signal. Come on in. I’ll give you space to merge into this lane. (as several other cars zipped right by her.) Student: You always do...

Outpatient and Community Care

9/1/2018 As more of our women with children are wanting to stay connected with aftercare of Titus 2 or seeking outpatient care, I find that we are doing more and more extended outpatient case management and counseling. Residential care in an intensively structured...

Take Down

There are times when one may find it necessary to step into the ring, even if it means hitting the mat after a few rounds……to let those who are unable to fight for themselves and those who are accustomed to taking vulnerable people to the mat on the first...