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Asking to Listen With A Heart Like His

Listening. It is a special gift that the Holy Spirit gives when one asks God to let you serve his people with a heart like his. . It is not always done with the ears. It is done with the heart. One can hear things with the heart…. and the eyes…. that the...

Progression Toward “Strongholds”

Be careful what you allow into your heart and mind: Progression Toward a “Stronghold”: Impression—> Obsession—> Oppression——> Possession One seldom realizes she is in the grasp of something until after it’s too late...

60 year overhaul

After a couple of months of more fatigue than I’ve ever experienced, I had a physical this past week at the urging of Bill and a friend. Bloodwork was all excellent! (Thank you, Lord!) I’ve been put through several cardiovascular tests. So far no alarms...

The Heart, Above All Things, Is Deceitful

“I know those scriptures, so what is wrong with me? Why do I still struggle with that same sin?” The answer lies within the heart, which often can only be discerned by the Holy Spirit’s work deep within us. If we are not wholly committed to allowing God to shine...