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The Battle Is Won With Prayer

From 9/6/2015 Went to see War Room movie with friends. Great movie! I saw all of the things prayed for by Jesus in John 17 prayed for in this movie. Hmmmm. Wonder if it was intended by the writers or just Jesus’ signature on the project? What Jesus prayed for in...

Jesus’ Prayer List

I preached today on John 17:6-26….Jesus’ priestly prayer. Jesus prayed a tender pleading prayer on behalf of his disciples….AND on behalf of “all who would come to faith because of their testimony”….Hey! That’s you and me,...

Christ’s Spirit

Christ’s Spirit    6-23-21   CBByrd   Thoughts this morning….while Jesus in human flesh walked among men he both had the Father’s Holy Spirit and could recognize the Spirit when the Spirit came upon others… as he did with Peter at Caesarea and others whom he...

The Reality of Evil

  One doesn’t have to look very far to see terrifying, destructive, horrific acts in the world.  Jesus said don’t be surprised and he said it would get worse as time goes on. He also told us what to do about it. Matthew 9:6-13…..Jesus’...