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Paradigms and Assumptions

The paradigm drives the conclusion. The starting assumptions are the basis for the beliefs. In evolutionary theory, Darwin started with another person’s theory, a geologist’s theory of how long it would take for certain rock formations to occur. That was...

Neurobiology and Sin

2/18/2019 i attended a theology and science workshop sponsored by Hope Hull UMC at which Dr. Curt Thompson talked about brain development.  He describes the initial neurological development in humans as “reptilian”….it is the basic. elemental...

Zen Spin

Zen spin……  ( From 12/6/20) “The term is shortened from mushin no shin (無心の心), (arising from the Chinese Chan School of Buddhism) of a Zen expression meaning the mind without mind and is also referred to as the state of “no-mindness”. That is,...

Psychology and Faith

When I went to a secular grad school for counseling I asked my advisor if my Christian beliefs were going to be disregarded.  He said “no”, that I was free to express my beliefs in context with the discussions. I told him I intended to be a Christian...

Not Born That Way

News from Johns Hopkins researchers you’re not likely to see in the main stream media: In the ’70’s the American Psychological Assn. removed homosexuality from the list of mental illnesses. In the 90’s it stated that homosexuality is...