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God’s Perfect Timing

I will never again blow my horn at someone ahead of me who fails to jack-rabbit-start at a green light! ( I’ve never been real quick to do so as it seems a good way to get shot by someone with road rage in our world today.) I was on my way to a yoga class, in...

Rhythms of Life- Seasons

This article came to me over 10 years ago.  I saved it at the time because its timing spoke to me…. From a publication called “Explorations”, Liturgical Ministry 2003 Living by Seasons “I was enjoying an hour with a new friend last winter,...


9/1/2014 Just saw this on friend’s page…..”September is the new January!” For years my life revolved around my children’s school year schedule. The nine months of the school year had its own rhythm. Even now, years after they are no...
Chronos Vs. Kairos

Chronos Vs. Kairos

My morning meditation……        Last night at our weekly small group at Titus 2 we talked about some conditions, or states of mind, that can lead to relapse. Historically referred to by the acronym H.A.L.T.- hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. We talked about...

A Glimpse at Letting Go

It’s strange, the way you can receive something without knowing how much you’ll need it a short time later. Last week I wrote to you about the difference 5 minutes can make — how taking a few minutes to listen in a prayerful way can tell you what you most...