“When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” 1 Corinthians 13:11.. Jesus points to children as an example of the kind of faith, love, and trust for Father that he wants...
We are made in the image of God . You are a spirit, you have a soul (made up of mind will and emotions…, or in layman’s terms, your thinker, feeler and chooser) and as long as you are on this earth you live in a body…, Now I would venture to bet that 90%+ of the...
Cousin Victoria Baxley and me ( in the bandana skirt and top) drinking from aluminum dippers at the well pump of Antioch Primitive Baptist Church in Barbour Co., AL about May 1963.
Since I was a young child I have had dreams of flying……arms outstretched and beating against the air, soaring above the trees and able to see the earth from a delightfully higher perspective. Yesterday as Billy and I drove toward Asheville, I...
My daughter’s journey into writing as part of her master’s in fine arts degree program led to her asking me to share with her a bit about what it was like having three siblings. I could tell her about a family of six sharing one bathroom. I could tell...
Among the things found in my Father’s belongings after his death was a slender bound aqua colored hymnal : Praise and Victory Songs, Compiled by Homer A. Rodeheaver and Harry D. Clarke, 1936 est. Daddy had put his name and address label in it and had several...