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Tribute to a Counselor

“Jesus didn’t wait for a crowd of perfectly well adjusted disciples to turn up; he appointed a real mixed bag of personalities, in spite of their weaknesses and struggles. There’s a place for everyone in the Church and it breaks my heart when I hear...

Genogram as Community-Building Tool

Over the years I have observed genogram discussion sessions with Dr. Michael Carns, a skilled family and marriage counseling educator and practitioner with over 35 years’ experience, as he invited the Titus 2 students into this tool of self-discovery. A genogram is a...

Peacekeeping versus Peacemaking Part 1

Some mistake “peacekeeping” with “peacemaking”. When issues of disagreement are ignored and hurt is left to fester, the typical response is to slap a lid on it and bury the problem, ignoring the injured party’s pain. If that is done by...