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For Parents with “Littles”

😊 A friend with 2 babes under age 2 posted the below the other day and I immediately remembered those days! It also still applies to our older babes, it’s just different triggers. For younger elementary kids it’s learning rules, starting real curriculum, being around...

Why Empathy Is Important

“Some people think of empathy as a “soft” skill, but really it is the core of emotional intelligence, so it’s absolutely essential to positive relationships in the workplace (and everywhere). This thoughtful infographic reflects how little we usually know...
Reptilian Brain

Reptilian Brain

Perhaps why satan is portrayed as a serpent in the garden????? Interestingly, as Dr. Curt Thompson talks about brain development, he describes the initial neurological development in humans as “reptilian”….it is the basic. elemental...

Time To Shout

Heard: “Emotions don’t make you any less holy; they make you more human.” We use emotions to cry out for help, just like Peter, who cried out to Jesus, “Help me!” as he sank in the waves. Calling out for more of Jesus doesn’t mean...
Smile!  It Improves Your Face Value…

Smile! It Improves Your Face Value…

I have shared on several occasions with friends or students about a lady who attended church with us when our children were preschoolers. I made a point of making her acquaintance to see if she was as gracious as she appeared. She was a retired kindergarten teacher in...