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I Am A Child Of God

We, all humans, are image-bearers of God, our Creator. When we come to know Him…. through His Word, by His Spirit, by knowledge of and relationship with His Incarnation in His Son, Jesus Christ, through community among His people,and in the circumstances He allows...

10,000 Reasons and Seasons

In the parable of the 4 soils, it was sowing seed in good soil that produced a yield. Today as we considered evangelism in our worship service, the pastor reminded us of the bible’s promise of return on investment from witnessing to the power of Christ in our...


Solitaire I attended the wedding of a friend …. retired and a few years younger than me. Our circumstances of singleness are different – divorced versus widowed. As I watched her excitement and joy, I thought to myself, “I can’t even imagine...

Child Of God

From 8/11/ 2020   Simply “created by God” or actually also “children of God”? Jesus said not everyone is a child of the Father…. some have another father. The father is the one who influences our life, provides and guides, the standard- bearer, the one whom...