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A Facebook poster attributed this story to Sheila Walsh having written about a peculiar sad occurrence in some sheepfolds. There have also been YouTube accounts of this happening with lambs. As reported, every once in a while, an ewe will give birth to a lamb and...

My Father’s Son

Bill sent this out today to his children, his best friends, and me.  He had seen this youtube video.  It reminded him of his Dad and his Dad’s advice to him through the years.  His Dad died when he was 23.  Our son, Billy, was 1.   To You; Billy Byrd;...


This meme spotted on Facebook is a poignant reminder of those days 20+ years ago when we moved our son (at The Citadel) and our daughter (at Birmingham-Southern College) into their dorm rooms to start college. I didn’t cry when we left Billy in Charleston. I was...
Lessons from Daddy

Lessons from Daddy

On Father’s Day someone posted a question on Facebook…..What are some  things your Father taught you?  Some of the things that came to my mind right away were these: How to drive a standard transmission vehicle. How to check oil in a car. How to wiggle my...

Simple Apology

Mother’s Day remembrances have a way of stirring tender and also sometimes painful memories in hearts. I recall a friend who years ago shared a story about a family member, a young girl, who was a lovely child and very sweet. She was also a child who, like myself, was...