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Wisdom from Dr. Henry Cloud: Enablers

Dr. Henry Cloud writes about addiction, enabling , and conflict. He cites several biblical principles. There’s one glaring one related to not enabling I want to add. Luke 15-19- “….the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there...

Adler and Family Systems

Family system therapy from an Adlerian perspective asserts that “human beings are essentially social, purposeful, subjective and interpretive in their approach to life (Sweeney, 1998). These attributes are no accident. They are required at least in part from the...

Prayer for Adult Children and Grandchildren

Praying for adult children and grandchildren… file:///C:/Users/cathy_000/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/SQKV0C2Y/Prayer-for-My-Adult-Children.pdf From Randy Carlson at Intentional Living: Lord, we gave our children a home to grow in; I ask...
Close Knit Family

Close Knit Family

A year ago today I was flying home from a trip. We had a little bit of stormy weather just as we were descending into Bay Co. It reminded me of my maternal grandmother, Ludie Belle Baxley Greene. Her son, my uncle, Jeffie Vernon Greene, was an Army 82nd Airborne...