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Gathering Fruit

During late fall and winter months Titus 2 is frequently blessed with the gift of fresh citrus fruit- oranges, satsumas, tangerines, lemons, and grapefruit.  Just today a donor stopped by to bring a grocery bag of lemons from her tree.  I show the women how to squeeze...

Pennies from Heaven

This morning as I put gas in my car, I looked down and saw a penny on the ground by the door of my car. I smiled and picked it up. I had seen this story on the internet in the past and, as God would have it, when I got back to my office this morning a friend had sent...

Trauma, Comfort, Hope, and Peace

There is a lot of conversation around the issue of trauma-informed care these days for counselors, pastors, and others. My own experience of a traumatic event led me to discover some key principles in dealing with trauma in those I counsel. It is always the case that...