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I Am A Child Of God

We, all humans, are image-bearers of God, our Creator. When we come to know Him…. through His Word, by His Spirit, by knowledge of and relationship with His Incarnation in His Son, Jesus Christ, through community among His people,and in the circumstances He allows...

Information Is Power

“Limiting information is how one leverages power.” quoted from the government consultant who crafted a large government program and later talked about how stupid the American people are and can be hoodwinked into accepting anything if you can limit the...

Focus:What I Know

My God-focus: God’s Presence God’s Sovereignty God’s Goodness Gods Personal & Intimate Care for Me…. (And every other Child of His!) In other words: He is with me. He is able to meet any need. He will do it in the way that’s BEST for...

Answered Prayers and Serendipities

You may never know…..sometimes when a needed item appears at “just the right time” by some mysterious means from an unexpected source, it builds faith and demonstrates that God does care about the smallest, seemingly most insignificant things. But...

To Know and Be Known

Dr. Curt Thompson speaks on knowing and being known….the first of what I have come to know as valued and necessary components of community – “to know and be known, love and be loved, admonish and be admonished, celebrate and be celebrated, and serve...

God Is…….

There is an vastness to God that invites us continually to come near and know him better.  It is one of the things that delights me…..that there will always be more to know of God. However, as I have discipled others there are some basics that seem to present...