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Come to the Healer

I have recently read Dr. Chauncey Crandall’s “Touching Heaven”. He, a cardiologist and born again Christian, began exploring the many ways of healing- spiritual, physical, mental, relational, etc.- as he began to see the power of God at work among...
Discerning and Confronting Evil

Discerning and Confronting Evil

I have been a strong advocate for kicking the smoking habit for years.  I’ve never been a smoker, but I have had some family members whose health consequences of smoking- emphysema, COPD, cancer, etc.- made me adamant about it not being a part of my own family’s...

Do no harm……..

Greek philosopher Hippocrates has been considered the “Father of Medicine”.  His tenets have been embodied in the oath that new physicians recite upon graduation from education to practice of medicine.  The Hippocratic school lists this as part of its...