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Shaming evangelicals……. How recently can one repent and be forgiven by Christ and be accepted in Christian community, given the opportunity to begin living into a more righteous way of life? A minute? A day? A month? A year? 10 years? What measure of time, of...

Christ In Us

In a recent gathering in which a group of women considered a Scripture reading, we were asked to listen for the Lord bringing a particular word to our attention. For me, in the passage from Ephesians 3, what struck me was knowing “Christ is in...

Love Or Holiness

When asked which is more important , God’s love or his holiness, my response is as follows: God’s holiness is a function of His particular kind of love, in my opinion. Even though he loves steadfastly and unequivocally, because he loves, he also...

Social Holiness Per John Wesley

“John Wesley once famously said, “There is no holiness apart from social holiness.” Over the years, many have mistakenly asserted that he was talking about social justice. In reality, he was talking about doing discipleship in the context of real relationships. In...