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Missions Is A Lifestyle

Missions Is A Lifestyle

I must confess something……….I sometimes have to bite my tongue. Yes, actually there are things I would want to say but don’t. Sometimes about my own brothers and sisters in Christ. For too many I suspect that “missions” is a trendy,...

Burning Bushes

  I love this image: A dry scrubby shrub, just standing there as if it could do anything more, upon which God bestows the Fire of His Spirit to attract the attention of a curious meandering shepherd…. to speak from its branches …to invite and ignite one who had...

Reprised…….A Church Observed

I wrote the post “A Church Observed”,  included below, in February 2009.  What I saw then and what I see now is very exciting….people in congregations across our community doing great things!  But the potential is even greater for certain functions...

“Come Unto Me” ….Then…. “Go Ye Into All The World” – The Role of the “Church” or “the church”.

Many times when women come into our program and are required to attend church, they are squeamish.  One had an absolutely horrible panic attack the first time she walked in with me, she said she was afraid she’d be struck dead by God for daring to set foot in a...

Movin’ ’em through…..

Goodness, the times are hard! Everyday the Panama City Rescue Mission is getting calls from families who are losing their apartments or homes and needing emergency shelter while they regroup. As the Women and Families Manager, the responsibility for overseeing their...