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When Jesus Doesn’t Speak Softly

Jesus’ words do not always come to us in seeming gentleness and with hope, but convicting and with warning…….unless we are able to read with hearts that are open to his own heart, with minds that desire to know his own mind. I’m preaching on...

Peacekeeping versus Peacemaking Part 1

Some mistake “peacekeeping” with “peacemaking”. When issues of disagreement are ignored and hurt is left to fester, the typical response is to slap a lid on it and bury the problem, ignoring the injured party’s pain. If that is done by...

Watching God work……

I have often been surprised by the way in which God works things out. There are times when His way is so unexpected. That has been the case recently as I have watched Him work out discord between two people.I knew that I was not in any way to be an instrument of...

Shoes, shoes, shoes…..wear what you choose

I am realizing that it is time to purchase a new pair of athletic shoes. I have a particular brand and style that has become my favorite. I buy a pair and wear them until they begin to look too worn for “good” designation, then I relegate them to...

Does peace equal contentment….

Recently, an adult Sunday school class of which I am a part has been contemplating “contentment”. Whenever the topic of contentment comes up, most people seem to automatically preface it with “peace and…..”, as if the two are so closely...