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Conscience As Guide

The old adage, “Let your conscience be your guide” is as good as worthless unless one’s spirit and soul are operating under the authority of the Holy Spirit. I think of the conscience, a part of the soul, as a neutral tool that is programmed by the...

Catch 22: Being Second

A friend posted that none of us are going to avoid the end of the world…. That reality she related to life being like a Catch-22 paradox. Well, living for God is a paradox ….To live for SELF is to die; to die to SELF is to live for God in Christ. When we do that we,...

Opportunities and Sifting

If satan had to ask to sift Peter, then he would have also had to ask permission of the sovereign God to sift Judas, as well, it seems. Peter endured the pain of his shame and lived to see himself restored when he encountered the Risen Christ. Judas, expecting a...