There are “seasons” when one teacher seems more attuned to where one is in life than any other teachers. Joni E. Tada is one whose spiritual insights seem to be particularly helpful right now to me, as observed when I read her recent devotional entitled...
In one lesson with students we talk about “oaks” and “cedars”….in this arboreal lesson, Joni Eareckson Tada talks about a persevering evergreen – the Caribbean pines…… “Consider it pure joy, my brothers,...
Where have you experienced a disconnection of soul in your life? How have you been brought back to center by an unexpected encounter with the sacred Other? How did your soul learn to breathe again?” I am not a diver, but living at the beautiful Gulf...
Syncretism: the attempted reconciliation, amalgamation, or union of different or opposing principles, practices, parties, cultures, philosophies, or religions. “Syncretism is the mixing of Christianity with something else such that they become a different...
“What we learn from experience depends on the kind of philosophy we bring to experience.” C. S. Lewis Yesiree, now isn’t that the truth? Sometimes an experience challenges the philosophy one has, based on prior experience, so radically that it...
Joni Eareckson Tada, who has known her share of pain- physical and emotional- shares this poem by Miss Margaret Clarkson, a woman who was bedridden for years with chronic pain: Lord Jesus, King of pain, Thy subject I; Thy right it is to reign: Oh, hear my cry, and...