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Healing from Demonic Oppression

It is not unusual for us to discern oppressive spirits that have attached themselves to women who come into Titus 2’s women’s residence. These women’s histories of self-indulgent, unboundaried, and many times reckless activities have placed them in horrific situations...
Of Wolves, Sheep, and Sheepdogs

Of Wolves, Sheep, and Sheepdogs

(4/16/19$ “There are three types of people in this world I once was told by a very wise man. Sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs Sheep don’t believe there is any evil or Satan in this world. Wolves prey on the naive sheep. Sheepdogs see the wolves for who they are and...
Church Militant

Church Militant

When a new assemblage of women come into Titus 2, it generally takes a few weeks to “settle in.” With the Hurricane Michael repairs finally coming to an end, we have been able to work back toward a full house and teaching schedule. The first few weeks are...