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Progression Toward “Strongholds”

Be careful what you allow into your heart and mind: Progression Toward a “Stronghold”: Impression—> Obsession—> Oppression——> Possession One seldom realizes she is in the grasp of something until after it’s too late...

Sin’s Common Denominators and Subsets

  From Sunday, Feb 23,2020: Sunday night’s life recovery group at Titus 2 focused on rebellion and recovery through a one-hour study of the causes and cure. We used a “15-minute Bible study” on the topic that was first published in In Touch...

Neurobiology and Sin

2/18/2019 i attended a theology and science workshop sponsored by Hope Hull UMC at which Dr. Curt Thompson talked about brain development.  He describes the initial neurological development in humans as “reptilian”….it is the basic. elemental...

Learn Wisdom: Different Package, Same Lies

True….But you can always recognize the tempter’s “dainty treats” by the ways in which it tempts you: lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, or pride of life…. the tempter uses different dilemmas but formulates them according to one or more...

Predictive vs. Prescriptive Foreknowledge

As I listened to a discussion about the difference between predictive and prescriptive foreknowledge I began to see why-and how- Satan had the audacity to challenge God, thinking he could assume and wrest authority over creation from God. Satan is a keen-observing...


From Nov 5, 2012 ….They’re still among us. Grifter: noun, Slang. Grifter: 1. a person who operates a side show at a circus, fair, etc., especially a gambling attraction. 2. a swindler, dishonest gambler, or the like. A “confidence trickster,” 1915,...