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Healing Tears

7/21/23 Notes after recheck at doctor’s office following partial thyroidectomy weeks previously: Strange….. after today’s Wake Up Call devotional and prayer several people and situations came to mind….. more prayer.     Then this…… tears...

Purpose of Tears: A Gift of God

Tears are a gift from God, part of the “fearful and wonderful” way He created us! They serve useful purposes not only in protecting our vision, but also in protecting our hearts and bodies from some of the toxic effects of excess hormones released under...

Home Making

My little home’s fireplace damper has some wear and tear and is very difficult to close. I had a chimney specialist over to check the gas line and logs before using and he said replacing the damper would be pricey, He recommended using a fire box cover when not in...

Focused Coddiwompling

A word for 2025 for me…..FOCUS. It has been on my heart and in my mind for a couple of weeks. Then I was reminded of this scripture:Luke 9:51- “Now it came to pass, when the time had come for Him to be received up, that He steadfastly set His face to go to Jerusalem.”...

Circling Back

Funny how life works out. This is the house Bill and I rented for a year in May 1973 when we moved to Montgomery. Billy was a newborn. Bill had started work after graduation from Auburn with Proctor and Gamble. I have clear recollections of that little house and our...