When I began teaching the Bible and biblical principles to adults, I would tell class members that some people approach their faith journey as tourists on a group excursion who trust others to set the agenda, select the sites, and determine the schedule. The only...
“Wisdom begins in wonder.” -Socrates A few years ago a friend gave me a book entitled “Recapture the Wonder” by Ravi Zacharias. In it he invites readers to “break free from the weariness and cynicism of life to enjoy God’s amazing...
In every one of the Gospel accounts Jesus told his followers to GO! Go and make disciples….go and preach…go and proclaim the kingdom….go and bear fruit…. The Gospel is an action-focused imperative to GO. Matthew 28:19: Therefore GO and make...
“Loneliness is not a function of being alone, but rather, a function of how socially connected you are to those around you.” Grace Kim, Architect Kim designs “co-housing”, where families live in close community and share a common area for...
I had written on Facebook about praying on Monday this past week about the two women at Titus 2 and reminding God that he had promised to bring women to us for help. Truth be told, as I prayed about the 2 women at Titus I wondered at the decreased number of...
Psalm 104:4 He makes winds his messengers, flames of fire his servants. This morning the Titus 2 ladies and I went to help with the Community Breakfast at Trinity Center of First United Methodist Church. It was a wonderful morning! Lynn Haven UMC volunteers cooked...