by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Aug 26, 2016 | Prayer, Uncategorized
“Prayer…….is rebelling against the status quo of a world going awry. It is refusing to come to terms with an unjust, dark and evil world, as if it were all we were meant to have, as if there was no one or nothing that could change it; prayer is...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Jul 17, 2016 | experiences, spiritual battle, Uncategorized
God gives the gift of discerning spirits to some believers….I have heard a variety of stories from many who have it. Sometimes one sees contortions of facial features when an evil spirit is present. One person actually saw the face of a skeleton on someone. That...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Jul 2, 2016 | heart of God, Uncategorized
John 1:16-18 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC) 16 For out of His fullness (abundance) we have all received [have all had a share and we were all supplied with] one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Jun 11, 2016 | God's attributes, Hearing God's voice, knowing, Uncategorized
“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Jun 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
Ecclesiastes 7:8, 9 . . .. Do not hurry yourself in your spirit to become offended, for the taking of offense is what rests in the bosom of the stupid ones. In The Peacemaker by Ken Sande, he diagrams the various responses available to Christians in the midst of...
by Cathy Boyd Byrd | Jun 10, 2016 | pets, Uncategorized
We’ve had a sweet little female feral cat for 13-14 years, Patti. She was a runt that got abandoned on the roof of WMBB and when the operations crew went up to run her off, she jumped off into the shrubbery. She was pulled out of the shrubbery and dropped into a...