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Remember This: Jesus Knows

Jesus knows.   He felt the pain of betrayal. He experienced being misunderstood. He was connived against. He felt the righteous flush of anger at those whose motives and actions damaged innocents. He was pulled into battles that should not even have been being fought....


I’ve posted several things by Charles Spurgeon recently. Also, I refer to various Baptist, Presbyterian, and other theologians/pastors from time to time. Just to clarify, I’m not a Calvinist, but align with Wesleyan Arminianism…. And, like Wesley,...

Day One…..From The View Ten Years Later

I will have been blogging for 10 years this summer.  It began after Lynn Haven UMC moved to the Transmitter Rd. location and Pastor Nic Gibson told me I needed to start a weblog, so I guess he’s to fault whenever someone finds my random thoughts annoying.  It...

Divine Economy

“The word, “plan,” is, in the Greek, oikonomia – economy. It means an order, an administration, a way of “keeping house” that flows from a set of priorities through a bank of resources into a new order on earth, one that reflects the way things are in heaven....