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To Test Your Heart and Mind

Pondering today….. Deuteronomy 8:2 “Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.” Psalm 26:2 Examine me,...

A Problem With The UMC

from October 27, 2017- posts about UMC It is the time of year when many churches set their budgets for the following year and conduct their stewardship campaigns. Among Methodist friends I am hearing more and more people (of the ones who have chosen to remain in local...

Shaken and Aftershocks

From 10/21/2015: “What we learn from experience depends on the kind of philosophy we bring to experience.” C. S. Lewis Yesiree, now isn’t that the truth? Sometimes an experience challenges the philosophy one has, based on prior experience, so...

Vulnerability and Public Emotional Ambush

I had read my morning Daily Text Devo….  a reader’s personal testimony about God’s wonderful grace in reconciling a broken relationship with a daughter.  It made me grateful that my own daughter, Charlotte, and I finally seem to have some...

Time To Shout

Heard: “Emotions don’t make you any less holy; they make you more human.” We use emotions to cry out for help, just like Peter, who cried out to Jesus, “Help me!” as he sank in the waves. Calling out for more of Jesus doesn’t mean...