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Salvation or Sentimentality?

From a favorite writer, Jill Carattini, 12/10/2014 Salvation or Sentimentality? “Who has understood the mind of the LORD?”(Isaiah 40:13) This God who moves among people, touching all of life and history is certainly not the quiet and tame being we often imagine. God’s...

Subtleties In The Word

Sometimes I hear people carelessly use this phrase, “your ways are not our ways. Your thoughts are not our thoughts”, to direct us toward the “what” of God’s will and work in a circumstance is a scripture I have pondered a lot. The...


“Enough!” A word expressing a posture of satisfaction, contentment and peace? Or an exclamation expressing exasperation and wanting something about current circumstances to end? In which place do you find yourself today? I was talking to a friend about a...

Risk or Safety

Heard today: “How often is God’s heart broken by our insistence on “playing it safe”…. As if not getting hurt is the most important thing in the world.” Taking a risk, stepping out on faith, being obedient and trusting God when something seems contrary to what the...

Words Matter

Words spoken reveal the beliefs of the speaker and influence the beliefs of the hearer. Anytime I hear the cultural iteration of “body, soul, and spirit” spoken by a Christian, I cringe….. like fingernails scratching a chalk board…..1 Thessalonians 5:23 Paul...